Tuesday, 24 July 2012

To trust or not to trust
Gone are the days when you could just listen to someone speak, look them in the eye and believe every word they said. Lately, people look you in the eye and even swear under oath that they are telling the truth when it’s all a big fat lie. Distinguishing the liar from the non-liar becomes really tough, especially when it’s a person you’ve trusted for most of your life. It becomes even worse when you don’t know why a person suddenly greets you with a huge smile when they haven’t been talking to you for weeks. Just when you think everything is perfect and that you’ve found a long-lost friend, you realise that they were just paving their way, easing the tension so it won’t be awkward when they ask for something from you. To think that a person you’ve been calling a friend for years feels the need to pave their way in order to get what they want from you. Then you wonder if they were friends with you because they liked you or at least cared...or if they were just another parasite befriending you because of what you can do for them. Where to draw the line and who to trust I still don’t know, but sometimes, the only person you can trust is the one who brought in this world, the one person who’d never let you down.

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