Monday 30 July 2012

life as it is

“Every problem has in it the seed of its own solution. If you don’t have any problems, you don’t have any seeds.”
Now that’s a quote I’ve lived by since the day I first saw it. It carries a few and simple, yet powerful words. You know, with all that I’ve been through, I’ve grown to understand that there’s always someone with bigger problems than mine out there, that even the happiest looking people have their own shit to deal with. Yesterday, my friend said something along the lines of “with every problem we go through, God grooms us.” It’s the little, or sometimes huge problems we face that make us appreciate the little that we have in life. When you’ve been through stuff, you find every reason to be happy, or to smile just so you can bring joy to someone else’s heart. That feeling you get when you know you’ve helped someone forget about what they are going through for just a moment…that’s just amazing. I’ve realized that nothing beats walking with your head held high, find something to smile about. I’ve learned to handle every situation the best way I can (I swear situation-handling skills come automatically when you’ve been through a lot of shit), and that advertising my problems just won’t get me anywhere. Whatever I go through, I know that no situation is permanent and with every little problem you go through, you get more strength. Being angry at the world is just no solution, for the world owes you absolutely nothing. I’ve realized that whatever I go through, life doesn’t stop for my grief!

Tuesday 24 July 2012

To trust or not to trust
Gone are the days when you could just listen to someone speak, look them in the eye and believe every word they said. Lately, people look you in the eye and even swear under oath that they are telling the truth when it’s all a big fat lie. Distinguishing the liar from the non-liar becomes really tough, especially when it’s a person you’ve trusted for most of your life. It becomes even worse when you don’t know why a person suddenly greets you with a huge smile when they haven’t been talking to you for weeks. Just when you think everything is perfect and that you’ve found a long-lost friend, you realise that they were just paving their way, easing the tension so it won’t be awkward when they ask for something from you. To think that a person you’ve been calling a friend for years feels the need to pave their way in order to get what they want from you. Then you wonder if they were friends with you because they liked you or at least cared...or if they were just another parasite befriending you because of what you can do for them. Where to draw the line and who to trust I still don’t know, but sometimes, the only person you can trust is the one who brought in this world, the one person who’d never let you down.

Thursday 19 July 2012

Back to school

The winter holidays are over and it's back to school for most of us, which means there's no time to sip on hot coffee all day watching TV. How i already miss those days...and home. The most interesting part about school is the drama though, the midnight marches (I still don't understand why people would decide to march around campus late at night, or who they think would hear their grievances at that time), movie nights with the girls and the juicy gossip (now that's the best part), so school is not that dull after all . That's not the reason I came to school, but it makes school all the more interesting. I mean, what would school be without the gossip or the drama? Boring of course. As the saying goes, "all work but no play makes Jack a dull boy."